Cybersecurity training that works

Course collection

From cybersecurity training courses to compliance, data protection and social engineering training, you'll find what your organisation needs in our 70+ strong catalogue of interactive, engaging training courses.

All (83)
Cybersecurity (29)
Social Engineering (7)
Data Protection (5)
Compliance (12)
General (20)
GDPR (10)
Showing 12 of 83 Results


high-quality courses

Everything you need to empower your workforce and reduce human error in your organisation.



Many of the courses in our catalogue are available in multiple languages, including French, German, Portuguese EU, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Turkish, Romanian and Simplified Chinese.


hours of content

At Bob’s Business, we never stop growing our course catalogue. Taken end to end, our catalogue would take more than 14 hours to complete.


course engagement

Say ‘goodbye’ to dull, drab online training. Our unique approach helps to build highly engaged workforces.

Why Bob’s Business courses

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Innovative course design

Humorous, relatable animations and simple, actionable advice ensure that our courses help make positive changes permanent.

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Online learning

We design our services to fit around the busy schedules of your workforce; that’s why our products are 100% eLearning.

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Learning management system

Our Learning Management System (LMS) includes countless advanced features, like branding, SCORM uploads and policy management, to level-up your organisational training.

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Ready to build your cybersecurity culture?

Whether you’re looking for complete culture change, phishing simulations or compliance training, we have solutions that are tailor-made to fit for your organisation.

Girl with laptop
Boy with laptop
man and woman with laptops
Global Cyber Alliance